Conference in University of Trento: Between regulation and social reuse of property confiscated from mafias in Europe


During the months of February-March, the University Presidium “Celestino Fava” – Trento held several moments of reflection at the University of Trento, with the aim of deepening – from the legal, social and economic point of view, the subject of property confiscated from organised crime in Italy, Europe and Latin America. The cycle of conferences, entitled “Confiscated Goods, between disuse and reuse: an international issue” and organized to honor the memory of Pio la Torre, ended on March 17th, 2022 .

The last meeting – whose title is named after a European project – “Good(s) Monitoring, Europe! and the Europe of social reuse” focused on the current legislation in some European countries on the seizure, confiscation and reuse of the assets of organized crime and in addition, analyzed their reuse for social purposes by associations and cooperatives.

Guests -Sarah Vantorre, Spokesperson for BASTA! (Belgian Antimafia Steps Towards Awareness), Jesus Palomo, University Professor and Spokesperson of FIADYS (Foundation for Applied Research in Crime and Security) and Anisa Xaka, Head of ENGIM Albania (Projects “Rise Alb!” and “Social Pastry KeBuono”) – have deepened aroud the situation of Spain, Bélgium and Albania.Both Spain and Belgium are part of the European network CHANCE – promoted by Libera – created to coordinate the various European associations that fight against corruption every day; these associations are part of the European project Good(s) Monitoring, Europe!, which aims to monitor the confiscated goods and their related use in Europe”

