(Drug and Human Trafficking, Environmental Crime, Illicit Arms Trade, Cybercrime)
The European network CHANCE – Civil Hub Against orgaNised Crime in Europe – is a Civil Society Organisations’ network that gathers associations, movements, informal groups and activists from all over Europe. Promoted by the association Libera. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie, together with other associations around Europe, was officially launched in 2019 in the European parliament. Its aim is to promote cooperation among Civil Society Organisations of different countries confronting organised crime, mafias and corruption, and to promote equity and solidarity in European society.
CHANCE operates in close cooperation with national and European Institutions, the academic and judicial world. As criminal organisations operate in an increasingly global way, it is necessary to provide answers that do not stop at the national borders. In order to be effective this answer must go beyond the police and judicial cooperation among states: to have a positive action towards a more just society the cooperation between Civil Society Organisations is essential.
This is our CHANCE to build new paths toward social justice in Europe.