Our educational path for deconstructing mafia stereotypes and promoting new learning tools of active citizenship
The teaching workbook
For those who are learning Italian abroad, it is important to have updated and correct training material on which to deepen the cultural aspects of Italy, such as the prevention and fight against mafias and organised crime. In line with it, some of the CHANCE activists and teachers from Germany, France and Bulgaria, together with the Educational Department of Libera have developed the first “teaching workbook” through which teachers of Italian language can teach Italian and its cultural issues without stereotypes and superficial considerations on the “mafia” and “antimafia” action.

The educational trainings for schools and universities
Many of the CHANCE members are committed in promoting training sessions for schools and universities on specific topics linked to our network such as the fight against corruption, the promotion of the social reuse of confiscated assets, the presentation of the Day of Memory and Commitment (21st March) and the “alive” memory of OC victims. Many associations of our network organise different types of educational path at local level, arranging the proposal in line with the students’ target and needs.

The E!state Liberi summer camps
For years, our partner Libera has been organising camps for awareness and training on active citizenship in confiscated criminal assets: this is an action aiming at supporting the cooperatives and associations which have invested in the social reuse of these assets. It has proved to be a valid instrument against criminal organisations and the promotion of the “common good”. Every year thousands of participants choose for an alternative summer week dedicated to active participation and civil responsibility activities, going to one of the “E!state Liberi” summer camps. Many CHANCE partners promote this opportunity for students and groups from abroad to make known the importance of re-thinking confiscated assets as common goods.

The projects on education
At national and European level we promote projects on civic education, active citizenship, social inclusion and civic monitoring to improve the direct involvement of youth in public life and common goods. Thanks to different types of cooperation, both in the private and public sector, our partners have a good experience in designing educational proposals for specific groups, in line with the different requests and objectives of the stakeholders.