Who we are
CHANCE-Malta was born in 2017, following the untimely death of Maltese journalist and blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia in a car-bomb attack on 17 October of the same year.
Already engaged in various collaborations with Libera since 2015, the group has participated and organized activities and opportunities for contact with the Maltese civil society.
Among these, the organization of the first Maltese Day of Remembrance and Commitment in memory of the innocent victims of the Mafia, dedicated, in particular, to Daphne Caruana Galizia.
What we do
In addition to regularly participating in vigils and initiatives organized by local associations on the issues of legality and the fight against organized crime and corruption, the Maltese group was involved in supporting and liaising with local organizations, such as the online seminar organized in collaboration with the Libera’s local group of Ragusa, in the spring of 2021. The seminar focused on building bridges between Sicilian and Maltese civil society. CHANCE-Malta has participated in street events (vigils), open meetings of various associations, and press conferences (also as speakers), and has performed coordination and monitoring activities in local and European projects (participation in European tenders, observatory on the activities of local authorities, articles and posts on social media and publications of Libera and the CHANCE network, and the magazine La Via Libera).
At the international coordination level, the Malta Group regularly participated in the activities of the network in its regular meetings, in the events organised by the other members of the network, and actively contributed to the preliminary discussions and the drafting of CHANCE’s Political Agenda and Manifesto.
Contacts and links

Repubblika is a Maltese Rule of Law NGO, formally founded in January 2019 in the wake of the assassination of investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. The organisation seeks to strengthen democracy, the rule of law and civil society engagement, weakened by vast scale corruption and an environment of impunity fostered under the present regime. Given its broad remit, Repubblika is engaged in numerous activities in Malta, inter alia, co-hosting monthly vigils demanding justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia; organising anti-corruption/pro-justice actions and protests; engaging in court actions that seek to hold the government and its institutions to account; publishing position papers on all relevant topics; holding public talks and webinars; hosting conferences and educational events at schools and acting as an independent interlocutor, both at home and internationally, on all pertinent matters.
Contacts and links