Between (Entretodos)


Between (Entretodos)

Who we are

Between – Partnerships 4 Development is a brand managed by Entretodos, a non-profit association formed in 2014, whose mission is to promote civic participation and citizen well-being and establish partnerships for regenerative social development.

It arises from a group of people, from different professional areas, who decided to come together to materialize ideas that can contribute to a better world.
This network of professionals firmly believes that by bringing together communities and the various sectors of society, for the implementation of social development projects, according to investment possibilities and existing resources, everyone benefits.

It is focused on giving voice to all people, regardless of age, gender, nationality, background, socioeconomic level and involving them in building a better world.

We promote collaboration and facilitate joint work in creating solutions to the challenges of Communities.
Our intervention has been focused on:
1- Intervention with Communities and empowerment of people,
developing projects that promote the well-being and capacity for action of people and Communities, involving them in the search for answers and in the development of actions for their own needs – acquisition and application of collaborative methods.

2- Sensitization and Training of professionals in methodologies that promote participation and collaboration.
3- Consultancy and support to multi sectoral working groups in: Context analysis, Co-design of projects, monitoring & evaluation;
Facilitation of collaborative processes and innovation.
Although we are also part of international networks, we are based in Portugal and we have developed projects at local and regional level.

Contacts and links
Between – Facebook
Between – Linkedin 
Between – Instagram
